Workshop “Reclaim Your Anger”
With demanding tasks, for example in negotiations, team leadership or appointment management, the connection to one’s own needs is often lost as stress increases. On the outside we may appear successful, but on the inside we are at risk of losing sight of our own needs and desires.
This workshop will help you to become aware of your limits again and to put needs and wishes at the center of your decisions. You’ll be given tools to reconnect with your feelings and use anger as a powerful ally to set boundaries and drive change. Make your anger usable for you, your values and your goals!
Plus, what day of the year would be better to start reclaiming your anger then Valentine’s day.
Put on something cozy.
The workshop will be held partly seated on the floor.
Duration: ca. 180 minutes
With: Felicia Nagel
Registration: – be quick as space is very limited!
Participation Fee: Free of charge for members
Language: English
sbase is accessible by wheelchair